City of Markham    
Markham Register of Property of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest
Address: 11303 WARDEN AVE
Original Address:
Property Legal Description: CON 5 PT LT 29 64R6775 PT 1 2 3 4
Historical Name: William and Anna Mustard House
Heritage Conservation District:
Ward: 6
Year Built: 1862
Architect Style: Georgian Tradition
Heritage Status of Property: Part IV (Individual)
Designation Bylaw: 2024-39
Heritage Easement Agreement: No
History Description
This house was constructed c. 1862 on the west half of Markham Township Lot 29, Concession 5 by William Mustard to replace an older log house on the property. William Mustard was the son of George Mustard, a Scottish immigrant that came to Markham in approximately 1801 after being pressed into the service of the British Navy during the Napoleonic Wars. The property remained in the ownership of the Mustard family until 1920.
Contemporary Photograph Heritage Photograph
Key Map
Please note that the yellow polygon symbol is not indicative of the actual heritage area and is only meant to highlight the property the heritage building(s) is located at. For a complete description of the actual heritage property please refer to the Designation Bylaw found above.

  © Corporation of the City of Markham