City of Markham    
Markham Register of Property of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest
Address: 16 DAVID GOHN CIR
Original Address: 248 Main Street Unionville
Property Legal Description: PLAN 65M2761 LOT 21
Historical Name: The Jacob Size House
Heritage Conservation District:
Ward: 4
Year Built: 1850
Architect Style: Gothic Revival
Heritage Status of Property: Part IV (Individual)
Designation Bylaw: 11-1999
Heritage Easement Agreement: Yes
History Description
This house is a wonderful example of a workers cottage with Gothic Revival influences. Most of the original windows and horizontal clapboard remain intact. In 1817 John Size purchased the lot at 248 Main Street Unionville upon which this house was built. After his death his widow sold ¼ of the lot to her son-in-law, Thomas Cameron. Shortly after the house was constructed it was sold to Jacob Size, a local blacksmith and carpenter.
Contemporary Photograph Heritage Photograph
Key Map
Please note that the yellow polygon symbol is not indicative of the actual heritage area and is only meant to highlight the property the heritage building(s) is located at. For a complete description of the actual heritage property please refer to the Designation Bylaw found above.

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