City of Markham    
Markham Register of Property of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest
Address: 7218 REESOR RD
Original Address:
Property Legal Description: CON 9 PT LT 2 AND 64R7395 PTS 1 TO 3
Historical Name: David Whaley House
Heritage Conservation District:
Ward: 7
Year Built: 1820
Architect Style: Vernacular - Altered
Heritage Status of Property: Part IV (Individual)
Designation Bylaw: 2004-98
Heritage Easement Agreement: No
History Description
The house at 7218 Reesor Road is believed to have been originally built c. 1835 following the occupation of the property by the Crown of Thomas Whaley. The 200 acre property was soon divided between his sons Alexander born 1825 (west half) and David born 1811 (east half). The location of the present dwelling nearby also housed a sawmill and a millpond, today in its place is stands a bridge. The Whaleys were a leading Cedar Grove family and still living on the property at the time of the 1918 map of the area. It is believed that the Whaley House was originally built as a 1 ½ storey 3 bay Georgian frame cottage. At some point in the mid 20th century the house was extensively modified. While the basic form of the house remained, most of the original windows and openings were changed. The David Whaley House is contextually significant as a reminder of the historic settlement pattern of the community of Cedar Grove and is one of the last reminders of the historic mill which once existed on the property.
Contemporary Photograph Heritage Photograph
Key Map
Please note that the yellow polygon symbol is not indicative of the actual heritage area and is only meant to highlight the property the heritage building(s) is located at. For a complete description of the actual heritage property please refer to the Designation Bylaw found above.

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