City of Markham    
Markham Register of Property of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest
Address: 16 MOORE'S CRT
Original Address: 7085 14th Avenue
Property Legal Description: PLAN 65M4290 BLK 11
Historical Name: The Abraham Koch House
Heritage Conservation District:
Ward: 7
Year Built: 1840
Architect Style: Georgian Tradition
Heritage Status of Property: Part IV (Individual)
Designation Bylaw: 2008-187
Heritage Easement Agreement: Yes
History Description
The Abraham Koch House is of contextual significance for its association with the rural farming community in the south east area of Markham. It is one of the several buildings within in the Box Grove Secondary Plan; however, historically this property would have been considered part of the Cedar Grove community. The Koch House is a reminder of the early settlement of Markham Pennsylvania German Mennonites such as the Reesor and Koch families.
Contemporary Photograph Heritage Photograph
Key Map
Please note that the yellow polygon symbol is not indicative of the actual heritage area and is only meant to highlight the property the heritage building(s) is located at. For a complete description of the actual heritage property please refer to the Designation Bylaw found above.

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